Network marketing/mlm concepts and techniques are followed and taught for almost the last 50 years. But why still more than 97% of network marketers fail or lose in their business ?. Most of the mlm leaders are taught to do in the business in the same way, cold calling, making name lists, inviting people, one to one presentation, home meetings, presentation in halls etc.. So clearly it is the system which fails. Can any one answer why this type of marketing is very slow and difficult ?
Monavie is not far from controversies, thats the reason MONAVIE COMPANY MANAGEMENT HAS NOT REVEALED THE INCOME OF 2007 correctly. According to an article published in Newsweek, reporting on MonaVie's 2007 income disclosure statement, "fewer than 1% qualified for commissions and of those, only 10% made more than $100 a week." HA HA THIS A BIG JOKE. You spend almost $160-$200 every month and collect the same from your Downlines and get few penny back ???
According to one of the Monavie top mlm leader, the dropout in Monavie Business rate in 2008 was around 70%. An article published in the Hartford Courant reported that about 45% of the company's distributors earned an annualized average check of less than $1,600, and 37% took home about $2,000; approximately 2% earned an annualized average check of more than $29,000, and just 7 out of 80,000 distributors (<0.01%) took home more than $3 million, according to the MonaVie 2008 income disclosure statement.
That means for every 10000 people join in the business after paying this huge joining fees to buy the juice, 1 person will make 1 Million. So guys remember, Monavie Company grows the business through your friends, Relatives and collegues, it is you who sell their product, talk to people, and covince people about their over prices acai juice. And you have a got a chance of reaching 1 Million in 2 -3 years is less than 0.01% ???
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